Rewire To Wellness
Rewire To wellness is a part of The Bell Method that focuses more on the mind and rewiring its neuro pathways to think and feel more positive. It’s proven that when we think more positive, everything in our life including our health improves. It’s been documented that changing from a negative thought about an illness to a positive thought, in an instant can literally change the bodies state and remove that illness. The power of the mind and our thoughts have been documented and studied up against every day medicine to see its effects. This is called the Placebo. The placebo is the power of our mind and thinking something to be true so much that it instantly becomes true. So, if we can think our selves into having a disease or not, imagine how life can be in every day relationships with a more positive self talk about your everyday life.
Rewire To Wellness includes:
1) Bringing awareness to the way you speak and your self talk
2) Muscle Testing for proper nutrition and neurotransmitter support
3) Emotional Release Therapy and Nervous System Reset Therapy
4) Neuro Plasticity Support through VNS ( Vagus Nerve Stimulation)
5) Our NPT assesment ( Nueral Pathways of Positive Thinking)
The number one reason why people suffer is simply the words we use in our thoughts. The words we use have a vibration that activates different neurons in our brain to respond to that vibration of thought. The words we use shape our everyday world and the life as we SEE it.
When you think “ I cant do this” the brain fires neurons to match that vibration which makes your brain only see things in a I cant state. This rapid change in our brain is a form of neuro plasticty.
Nuero Plasticity is the ability of neuro networks in the brain to change through growth and reorganization. It is when the brain is rewired to function differently then how it previously has. With this knowledge of neuro plasticity, it becomes clear that we have more control over our brain functions then we ever imagined. Habits are simnply the ingrained behaviours we have cultivated and they can be changed with intention and focus.