Welcome to The BELL Method of analysing your system to help you understand, pin-point and balance the source of your symptoms. The biggest mistake most wellness practitioners make is focusing on the reason you came into see them, rather then assesing your system to determine why you are feeling those things in the first place.

This is where The BELL Method comes in….

The BELL Method was developed by Terry Bell and for the last two decades it was referred to as Sho-Tai testing. Since Terrys passing in 2020, Evan Dougherty and Desni Bell continued Terrys legacy and everything he worked his entire life to build. To bring more awareness and light to his amazing work, it was re- branded to both honour Terry and help people understand it more thouroughly.

The BELL Method is an acronym standing for the Brain/Body Electrical Life-force Levels. This is exactly what we do. We use a unique non-invasive form of Muscle Testing ( see about us for information on muscle testing) that utilizes the energy we are made up of through a electric response transmitted from the brain throughout the body and every single cell.

We run through your system in a way that allows us to see how every organ and gland is not only functioning but also communicating with each other. We also asses your system for food sesnitivies and mineral deficiencies. The BELL method also reads your eyes and tongue in the format that Terry Bell developed.

One of the most profound parts of this method is that we also understand and incorporate the emotional body and its direct influence and impact into the physical body and symptoms you can feel because of an emotional blockage or imbalance. Along with this we asses your nervous system and vagus nerve for helping people who really suffer with anxiety and depression. This also includes the power of your mind and thoughts as a frequency that can and does change your cellular structure with one single thought of either negative or positive, and we can help you understand this and guide you into correcting it.

When we put all these methods together we are able to help guide you in the right direction to start re-gaining the health and wellness you truly deserve.